This model is a fine-tuned version of cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-2022-154m for multiclass hate-speech classification. A combination of 13 different hate-speech datasets in the English language were used to fine-tune the model.
{ "sexism": 0, "racism": 1, "disability": 2, "sexual_orientation": 3, "religion": 4, "other": 5, "not_hate":6 }
Install tweetnlp via pip.
pip install tweetnlp
Load the model in python.
import tweetnlp model = tweetnlp.Classifier("cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-hate-latest") model.predict('Women are trash 2.') >> {'label': 'sexism'} model.predict('@user dear mongoloid respect sentiments & belief refrain totalitarianism. @user') >> {'label': 'disability'}
@misc{antypas2023robust, title={Robust Hate Speech Detection in Social Media: A Cross-Dataset Empirical Evaluation}, author={Dimosthenis Antypas and Jose Camacho-Collados}, year={2023}, eprint={2307.01680}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }