Machine generated detector model from the AraGPT2: Pre-Trained Transformer for Arabic Language Generation paper
This model is trained on the long text passages, and achieves a 99.4% F1-Score.
from transformers import pipeline from arabert.preprocess import ArabertPreprocessor processor = ArabertPreprocessor(model="aubmindlab/araelectra-base-discriminator") pipe = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model = "aubmindlab/aragpt2-mega-detector-long") text = " " text_prep = processor.preprocess(text) result = pipe(text_prep) # [{'label': 'machine-generated', 'score': 0.9977743625640869}]
@misc{antoun2020aragpt2, title={AraGPT2: Pre-Trained Transformer for Arabic Language Generation}, author={Wissam Antoun and Fady Baly and Hazem Hajj}, year={2020}, eprint={2012.15520}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }
Wissam Antoun : Linkedin | Twitter | Github | wfa07@mail.aub.edu | wissam.antoun@gmail.com
Fady Baly : Linkedin | Twitter | Github | fgb06@mail.aub.edu | baly.fady@gmail.com