otherThe Setswana Ner Corpus is a Setswana dataset developed by The Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), North-West University, South Africa . The data is based on documents from the South African goverment domain and crawled from gov.za websites. It was created to support NER task for Setswana language. The dataset uses CoNLL shared task annotation standards.
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The language supported is Setswana.
A data point consists of sentences seperated by empty line and tab-seperated tokens and tags.
{'id': '0', 'ner_tags': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'tokens': ['Ka', 'dinako', 'dingwe', ',', 'go'] }
The NER tags correspond to this list:
"OUT", "B-PERS", "I-PERS", "B-ORG", "I-ORG", "B-LOC", "I-LOC", "B-MISC", "I-MISC",
The NER tags have the same format as in the CoNLL shared task: a B denotes the first item of a phrase and an I any non-initial word. There are four types of phrases: person names (PER), organizations (ORG), locations (LOC) and miscellaneous names (MISC). (OUT) is used for tokens not considered part of any named entity.
The data was not split.
The data was created to help introduce resources to new language - setswana.
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The data is based on South African government domain and was crawled from gov.za websites.
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Who are the source language producers?The data was produced by writers of South African government websites - gov.za
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Who are the annotators?The data was annotated during the NCHLT text resource development project.
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The annotated data sets were developed by the Centre for Text Technology (CTexT, North-West University, South Africa).
See: more information
The data is under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 South Africa License
@inproceedings{sepedi_ner_corpus, author = {S.S.B.M. Phakedi and Roald Eiselen}, title = {NCHLT Setswana Named Entity Annotated Corpus}, booktitle = {Eiselen, R. 2016. Government domain named entity recognition for South African languages. Proceedings of the 10th Language Resource and Evaluation Conference, Portorož, Slovenia.}, year = {2016}, url = {https://repo.sadilar.org/handle/20.500.12185/341}, }
Thanks to @yvonnegitau for adding this dataset.