license:unknownCPPE - 5 (Medical Personal Protective Equipment) is a new challenging dataset with the goal to allow the study of subordinate categorization of medical personal protective equipments, which is not possible with other popular data sets that focus on broad level categories.
Some features of this dataset are:
A data point comprises an image and its object annotations.
{ 'image_id': 15, 'image': <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=RGB size=943x663 at 0x2373B065C18>, 'width': 943, 'height': 663, 'objects': { 'id': [114, 115, 116, 117], 'area': [3796, 1596, 152768, 81002], 'bbox': [ [302.0, 109.0, 73.0, 52.0], [810.0, 100.0, 57.0, 28.0], [160.0, 31.0, 248.0, 616.0], [741.0, 68.0, 202.0, 401.0] ], 'category': [4, 4, 0, 0] } }
The data is split into training and testing set. The training set contains 1000 images and test set 29 images.
From the paper:
With CPPE-5 dataset, we hope to facilitate research and use in applications at multiple public places to autonomously identify if a PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) kit has been worn and also which part of the PPE kit has been worn. One of the main aims with this dataset was to also capture a higher ratio of non-iconic images or non-canonical perspectives [5] of the objects in this dataset. We further hope to see high use of this dataset to aid in medical scenarios which would have a huge effect worldwide.
The images in the CPPE-5 dataset were collected using the following process:
The images for this dataset were collected from Flickr and Google Images.
The dataset was labelled in two phases: the first phase included labelling 416 images and the second phase included labelling 613 images. For all the images in the dataset volunteers were provided the following table:
Item | Description |
coveralls | Coveralls are hospital gowns worn by medical professionals as in order to provide a barrier between patient and professional, these usually cover most of the exposed skin surfaces of the professional medics. |
mask | Mask prevents airborne transmission of infections between patients and/or treating personnel by blocking the movement of pathogens (primarily bacteria and viruses) shed in respiratory droplets and aerosols into and from the wearer’s mouth and nose. |
face shield | Face shield aims to protect the wearer’s entire face (or part of it) from hazards such as flying objects and road debris, chemical splashes (in laboratories or in industry), or potentially infectious materials (in medical and laboratory environments). |
gloves | Gloves are used during medical examinations and procedures to help prevent cross-contamination between caregivers and patients. |
goggles | Goggles, or safety glasses, are forms of protective eye wear that usually enclose or protect the area surrounding the eye in order to prevent particulates, water or chemicals from striking the eyes. |
as well as examples of: correctly labelled images, incorrectly labelled images, and not applicable images. Before the labelling task, each volunteer was provided with an exercise to verify if the volunteer was able to correctly identify categories as well as identify if an annotated image is correctly labelled, incorrectly labelled, or not applicable. The labelling process first involved two volunteers independently labelling an image from the dataset. In any of the cases that: the number of bounding boxes are different, the labels for on or more of the bounding boxes are different or two volunteer annotations are sufficiently different; a third volunteer compiles the result from the two annotations to come up with a correctly labelled image. After this step, a volunteer verifies the bounding box annotations. Following this method of labelling the dataset we ensured that all images were labelled accurately and contained exhaustive annotations. As a result of this, our dataset consists of 1029 high-quality, majorly non-iconic, and accurately annotated images.
Who are the annotators?In both the phases crowd-sourcing techniques were used with multiple volunteers labelling the dataset using the open-source tool LabelImg.
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Dagli, Rishit, and Ali Mustufa Shaikh.
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@misc{dagli2021cppe5, title={CPPE-5: Medical Personal Protective Equipment Dataset}, author={Rishit Dagli and Ali Mustufa Shaikh}, year={2021}, eprint={2112.09569}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} }
Thanks to @mariosasko for adding this dataset.