gpl-3.0NKJP-POS is a part the National Corpus of Polish ( Narodowy Korpus Języka Polskiego ). Its objective is part-of-speech tagging, e.g. nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc. During the creation of corpus, texts of were annotated by humans from various sources, covering many domains and genres.
Part-of-speech tagging (POS tagging) - tagging words in text with their corresponding part of speech.
Input (' tokens' column): sequence of tokens
Output (' pos_tags' column): sequence of predicted tokens’ classes (35 possible classes, described in detail in the annotation guidelines)
Measurements : F1-score (seqeval)
Example :
Input: ['Zarejestruj', 'się', 'jako', 'bezrobotny', '.']
Input (translated by DeepL): Register as unemployed.
Output: ['impt', 'qub', 'conj', 'subst', 'interp']
Subset | Cardinality (sentences) |
train | 78219 |
dev | 0 |
test | 7444 |
Class | train | dev | test |
subst | 0.27345 | - | 0.27656 |
interp | 0.18101 | - | 0.17944 |
adj | 0.10611 | - | 0.10919 |
prep | 0.09567 | - | 0.09547 |
qub | 0.05670 | - | 0.05491 |
fin | 0.04939 | - | 0.04648 |
praet | 0.04409 | - | 0.04348 |
conj | 0.03711 | - | 0.03724 |
adv | 0.03512 | - | 0.03333 |
inf | 0.01591 | - | 0.01547 |
comp | 0.01476 | - | 0.01439 |
num | 0.01322 | - | 0.01436 |
ppron3 | 0.01111 | - | 0.01018 |
ppas | 0.01086 | - | 0.01085 |
ger | 0.00961 | - | 0.01050 |
brev | 0.00856 | - | 0.01181 |
ppron12 | 0.00670 | - | 0.00665 |
aglt | 0.00629 | - | 0.00602 |
pred | 0.00539 | - | 0.00540 |
pact | 0.00454 | - | 0.00452 |
bedzie | 0.00229 | - | 0.00243 |
pcon | 0.00218 | - | 0.00189 |
impt | 0.00203 | - | 0.00226 |
siebie | 0.00177 | - | 0.00158 |
imps | 0.00174 | - | 0.00177 |
interj | 0.00131 | - | 0.00102 |
xxx | 0.00070 | - | 0.00048 |
adjp | 0.00069 | - | 0.00065 |
winien | 0.00068 | - | 0.00057 |
adja | 0.00048 | - | 0.00058 |
pant | 0.00012 | - | 0.00018 |
burk | 0.00011 | - | 0.00006 |
numcol | 0.00011 | - | 0.00013 |
depr | 0.00010 | - | 0.00004 |
adjc | 0.00007 | - | 0.00008 |
@book{przepiorkowski_narodowy_2012, title = {Narodowy korpus języka polskiego}, isbn = {978-83-01-16700-4}, language = {pl}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN}, editor = {Przepiórkowski, Adam and Bańko, Mirosław and Górski, Rafał L. and Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara}, year = {2012} }
from pprint import pprint from datasets import load_dataset dataset = load_dataset("clarin-pl/nkjp-pos") pprint(dataset['train'][5000]) # {'id': '130-2-900005_morph_49.49-s', # 'pos_tags': [16, 4, 3, 30, 12, 18, 3, 16, 14, 6, 14, 26, 1, 30, 12], # 'tokens': ['Najwyraźniej', # 'źle', # 'ocenił', # 'odległość', # ',', # 'bo', # 'zderzył', # 'się', # 'z', # 'jadącą', # 'z', # 'naprzeciwka', # 'ciężarową', # 'scanią', # '.']}
import random from pprint import pprint from datasets import load_dataset, load_metric dataset = load_dataset("clarin-pl/nkjp-pos") references = dataset["test"]["pos_tags"] # generate random predictions predictions = [ [ random.randrange(dataset["train"].features["pos_tags"].feature.num_classes) for _ in range(len(labels)) ] for labels in references ] # transform to original names of labels references_named = [ [dataset["train"].features["pos_tags"].feature.names[label] for label in labels] for labels in references ] predictions_named = [ [dataset["train"].features["pos_tags"].feature.names[label] for label in labels] for labels in predictions ] # transform to BILOU scheme references_named = [ [f"U-{label}" if label != "O" else label for label in labels] for labels in references_named ] predictions_named = [ [f"U-{label}" if label != "O" else label for label in labels] for labels in predictions_named ] # utilise seqeval to evaluate seqeval = load_metric("seqeval") seqeval_score = seqeval.compute( predictions=predictions_named, references=references_named, scheme="BILOU", mode="strict", ) pprint(seqeval_score, depth=1) # {'adj': {...}, # 'adja': {...}, # 'adjc': {...}, # 'adjp': {...}, # 'adv': {...}, # 'aglt': {...}, # 'bedzie': {...}, # 'brev': {...}, # 'burk': {...}, # 'comp': {...}, # 'conj': {...}, # 'depr': {...}, # 'fin': {...}, # 'ger': {...}, # 'imps': {...}, # 'impt': {...}, # 'inf': {...}, # 'interj': {...}, # 'interp': {...}, # 'num': {...}, # 'numcol': {...}, # 'overall_accuracy': 0.027855061488566583, # 'overall_f1': 0.027855061488566583, # 'overall_precision': 0.027855061488566583, # 'overall_recall': 0.027855061488566583, # 'pact': {...}, # 'pant': {...}, # 'pcon': {...}, # 'ppas': {...}, # 'ppron12': {...}, # 'ppron3': {...}, # 'praet': {...}, # 'pred': {...}, # 'prep': {...}, # 'qub': {...}, # 'siebie': {...}, # 'subst': {...}, # 'winien': {...}, # 'xxx': {...}}