cc-by-4.0A dataset containing every speech in the House of Commons from May 1979-July 2020. Quoted from the dataset homepage
Please contact me if you find any errors in the dataset. The integrity of the public Hansard record is questionable at times, and while I have improved it, the data is presented "as is".
{ 'id': 'uk.org.publicwhip/debate/1979-05-17a.390.0', 'speech': "Since the Minister for Consumer Affairs said earlier that the bread price rise would be allowed, in view of developing unemployment in the baking industry, and since the Mother's Pride bakery in my constituency is about to close, will the right hon. Gentleman give us a firm assurance that there will be an early debate on the future of the industry, so that the Government may announce that, thanks to the price rise, those workers will not now be put out of work?", 'display_as': 'Eric Heffer', 'party': 'Labour', 'constituency': 'Liverpool, Walton', 'mnis_id': '725', 'date': '1979-05-17', 'time': '', 'colnum': '390', 'speech_class': 'Speech', 'major_heading': 'BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE', 'minor_heading': '', 'oral_heading': '', 'year': '1979', 'hansard_membership_id': '5612', 'speakerid': 'uk.org.publicwhip/member/11615', 'person_id': '', 'speakername': 'Mr. Heffer', 'url': '', 'government_posts': [], 'opposition_posts': [], 'parliamentary_posts': ['Member, Labour Party National Executive Committee'] }
Variable | Description |
id | The ID as assigned by mysociety |
speech | The text of the speech |
display_as | The standardised name of the MP. |
party | The party an MP is member of at time of speech |
constituency | Constituency represented by MP at time of speech |
mnis_id | The MP's Members Name Information Service number |
date | Date of speech |
time | Time of speech |
colnum | Column number in hansard record |
speech_class | Type of speech |
major_heading | Major debate heading |
minor_heading | Minor debate heading |
oral_heading | Oral debate heading |
year | Year of speech |
hansard_membership_id | ID used by mysociety |
speakerid | ID used by mysociety |
person_id | ID used by mysociety |
speakername | MP name as appeared in Hansard record for speech |
url | link to speech |
government_posts | Government posts held by MP (list) |
opposition_posts | Opposition posts held by MP (list) |
parliamentary_posts | Parliamentary posts held by MP (list) |
Train: 2694375
This dataset contains all the speeches made in the House of Commons and can be used for a number of deep learning tasks like detecting how language and societal views have changed over the >40 years. The dataset also provides language closer to the spoken language used in an elite British institution.
The dataset is created by getting the data from data.parliament.uk . There is no normalization.
Who are the source language producers?[N/A]
Who are the annotators?[N/A]
This is public information, so there should not be any personal and sensitive information
The purpose of this dataset is to understand how language use and society's views have changed over time.
Because of the long time period this dataset spans, it might contain language and opinions that are unacceptable in modern society.
[Needs More Information]
This dataset was built on top of parlparse by Evan Odell
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
@misc{odell, evan_2021, title={Hansard Speeches 1979-2021: Version 3.1.0}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.4843485}, abstractNote={<p>Full details are available at <a href="https://evanodell.com/projects/datasets/hansard-data">https://evanodell.com/projects/datasets/hansard-data</a></p> <p><strong>Version 3.1.0 contains the following changes:</strong></p> <p>- Coverage up to the end of April 2021</p>}, note={This release is an update of previously released datasets. See full documentation for details.}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Odell, Evan}, year={2021}, month={May} }
Thanks to @shamikbose for adding this dataset.