The digital collections of the SBB contain 153,942 digitized works from the time period of 1470 to 1945.
At the time of publication, 28,909 works have been OCR-processed resulting in 4,988,099 full-text pages. For each page with OCR text, the language has been determined by langid (Lui/Baldwin 2012).
The collection includes material across a large number of languages. The languages of the OCR text have been detected using langid.py: An Off-the-shelf Language Identification Tool (Lui & Baldwin, ACL 2012). The dataset includes a confidence score for the language prediction. Note: not all examples may have been successfully matched to the language prediction table from the original data.
The frequency of the top ten languages in the dataset is shown below:
frequency | |
de | 3.20963e+06 |
nl | 491322 |
en | 473496 |
fr | 216210 |
es | 68869 |
lb | 33625 |
la | 27397 |
pl | 17458 |
it | 16012 |
zh | 11971 |
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Each example represents a single page of OCR'd text.
A single example of the dataset is as follows:
{'aut': 'Doré, Henri', 'date': '1912', 'file name': '00000218.xml', 'language': 'fr', 'language_confidence': 1.0, 'place': 'Chang-hai', 'ppn': '646426230', 'publisher': 'Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique', 'text': "— 338 — Cela fait, on enterre la statuette qu’on vient d’outrager, atten dant la réalisation sur la personne elle-même. C’est l’outrage en effigie. Un deuxième moyen, c’est de représenter l’Esprit Vengeur sous la figure d’un fier-à-bras, armé d’un sabre, ou d’une pique, et de lui confier tout le soin de sa vengeance. On multiplie les incantations et les offrandes en son honneur, pour le porter au paroxysme de la fureur, et inspirer à l’Esprit malin l’idée de l’exécution de ses désirs : en un mot, on fait tout pour faire passer en son cœur la rage de vengeance qui consume le sien propre. C’est une invention diabolique imaginée pour assouvir sa haine sur l’ennemi qu’on a en horreur. Ailleurs, ce n’est qu’une figurine en bois ou en papier, qui est lancée contre l’ennemi; elle se dissimule, ou prend des formes fantastiques pour acomplir son œuvre de vengeance. Qu’on se rappelle la panique qui régna dans la ville de Nan- king ifâ ffl, et ailleurs, l’année où de méchantes gens répandirent le bruit que des hommes de papier volaient en l’air et coupaient les tresses de cheveux des Chinois. Ce fut une véritable terreur, tous étaient affolés, et il y eut à cette occasion de vrais actes de sauvagerie. Voir historiettes sur les envoûtements : Wieger Folk-Lore, N os 50, 128, 157, 158, 159. Corollaire. Les Tao-niu jift fx ou femmes “ Tao-clie'’. A cette super stition peut se rapporter la pratique des magiciennes du Kiang- sou ■n: m, dans les environs de Chang-hai ± m, par exemple. Ces femmes portent constamment avec- elles une statue réputée merveilleuse : elle n’a que quatre ou cinq pouces de hauteur ordinairement. A force de prières, d’incantations, elles finissent par la rendre illuminée, vivante et parlante, ou plutôt piaillarde, car elle ne répond que par des petits cris aigus et répétés aux demandes qu’on lui adressé; elle paraît comme animée, sautille,", 'title': 'Les pratiques superstitieuses', 'wc': [1.0, 0.7266666889, 1.0, 0.9950000048, 0.7059999704, 0.5799999833, 0.7142857313, 0.7250000238, 0.9855555296, 0.6880000234, 0.7099999785, 0.7054545283, 1.0, 0.8125, 0.7950000167, 0.5681818128, 0.5500000119, 0.7900000215, 0.7662500143, 0.8830000162, 0.9359999895, 0.7411110997, 0.7950000167, 0.7962499857, 0.6949999928, 0.8937500119, 0.6299999952, 0.8820000291, 1.0, 0.6781818271, 0.7649999857, 0.437142849, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7416666746, 0.6474999785, 0.8166666627, 0.6825000048, 0.75, 0.7033333182, 0.7599999905, 0.7639999986, 0.7516666651, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5466666818, 0.7571428418, 0.8450000286, 1.0, 0.9350000024, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7099999785, 0.7250000238, 0.8588888645, 0.8366666436, 0.7966666818, 1.0, 0.9066666961, 0.7288888693, 1.0, 0.8333333135, 0.8787500262, 0.6949999928, 0.8849999905, 0.5816666484, 0.5899999738, 0.7922222018, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6657142639, 0.8650000095, 0.7674999833, 0.6000000238, 0.9737499952, 0.8140000105, 0.978333354, 1.0, 0.7799999714, 0.6650000215, 1.0, 0.823333323, 1.0, 0.9599999785, 0.6349999905, 1.0, 0.9599999785, 0.6025000215, 0.8525000215, 0.4875000119, 0.675999999, 0.8833333254, 0.6650000215, 0.7566666603, 0.6200000048, 0.5049999952, 0.4524999857, 1.0, 0.7711111307, 0.6666666865, 0.7128571272, 1.0, 0.8700000048, 0.6728571653, 1.0, 0.6800000072, 0.6499999762, 0.8259999752, 0.7662500143, 0.6725000143, 0.8362500072, 1.0, 0.6600000262, 0.6299999952, 0.6825000048, 0.7220000029, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6587499976, 0.6822222471, 1.0, 0.8339999914, 0.6449999809, 0.7062500119, 0.9150000215, 0.8824999928, 0.6700000167, 0.7250000238, 0.8285714388, 0.5400000215, 1.0, 0.7966666818, 0.7350000143, 0.6188889146, 0.6499999762, 1.0, 0.7459999919, 0.5799999833, 0.7480000257, 1.0, 0.9333333373, 0.790833354, 0.5550000072, 0.6700000167, 0.7766666412, 0.8280000091, 0.7250000238, 0.8669999838, 0.5899999738, 1.0, 0.7562500238, 1.0, 0.7799999714, 0.8500000238, 0.4819999933, 0.9350000024, 1.0, 0.8399999738, 0.7950000167, 1.0, 0.9474999905, 0.453333348, 0.6575000286, 0.9399999976, 0.6733333468, 0.8042857051, 0.7599999905, 1.0, 0.7355555296, 0.6499999762, 0.7118181586, 1.0, 0.621999979, 0.7200000286, 1.0, 0.853333354, 0.6650000215, 0.75, 0.7787500024, 1.0, 0.8840000033, 1.0, 0.851111114, 1.0, 0.9142857194, 1.0, 0.8899999857, 1.0, 0.9024999738, 1.0, 0.6166666746, 0.7533333302, 0.7766666412, 0.6637499928, 1.0, 0.8471428752, 0.7012500167, 0.6600000262, 0.8199999928, 1.0, 0.7766666412, 0.3899999857, 0.7960000038, 0.8050000072, 1.0, 0.8000000119, 0.7620000243, 1.0, 0.7163636088, 0.5699999928, 0.8849999905, 0.6166666746, 0.8799999952, 0.9058333039, 1.0, 0.6866666675, 0.7810000181, 0.3400000036, 0.2599999905, 0.6333333254, 0.6524999738, 0.4875000119, 0.7425000072, 0.75, 0.6863636374, 1.0, 0.8742856979, 0.137500003, 0.2099999934, 0.4199999869, 0.8216666579, 1.0, 0.7563636303, 0.3000000119, 0.8579999804, 0.6679999828, 0.7099999785, 0.7875000238, 0.9499999881, 0.5799999833, 0.9150000215, 0.6600000262, 0.8066666722, 0.729090929, 0.6999999881, 0.7400000095, 0.8066666722, 0.2866666615, 0.6700000167, 0.9225000143, 1.0, 0.7599999905, 0.75, 0.6899999976, 0.3600000143, 0.224999994, 0.5799999833, 0.8874999881, 1.0, 0.8066666722, 0.8985714316, 0.8827272654, 0.8460000157, 0.8880000114, 0.9533333182, 0.7966666818, 0.75, 0.8941666484, 1.0, 0.8450000286, 0.8666666746, 0.9533333182, 0.5883333087, 0.5799999833, 0.6549999714, 0.8600000143, 1.0, 0.7585714459, 0.7114285827, 1.0, 0.8519999981, 0.7250000238, 0.7437499762, 0.6639999747, 0.8939999938, 0.8877778053, 0.7300000191, 1.0, 0.8766666651, 0.8019999862, 0.8928571343, 1.0, 0.853333354, 0.5049999952, 0.5416666865, 0.7963636518, 0.5600000024, 0.8774999976, 0.6299999952, 0.5749999881, 0.8199999928, 0.7766666412, 1.0, 0.9850000143, 0.5674999952, 0.6240000129, 1.0, 0.9485714436, 1.0, 0.8174999952, 0.7919999957, 0.6266666651, 0.7887499928, 0.7825000286, 0.5366666913, 0.65200001, 0.832857132, 0.7488889098]}
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This dataset contains only a single split train .
The dataset is created from OCR fulltexts of the Digital Collections of the Berlin State Library (DC-SBB) hosted on Zenodo.
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The dataset is created from OCR fulltexts of the Digital Collections of the Berlin State Library (DC-SBB) hosted on Zenodo. This dataset includes text content produced through running Optical Character Recognition across 153,942 digitized works held by the Berlin State Library.
The dataprep.ipynb was used to create this dataset.
To make the dataset more useful for training language models, the following steps were carried out:
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This dataset contains machine-produced annotations for:
The dataset also contains metadata for the following fields:
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This dataset contains historical material, potentially including names, addresses etc., but these are not likely to refer to living individuals.
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As with any historical material, the views and attitudes expressed in some texts will likely diverge from contemporary beliefs. One should consider carefully how this potential bias may become reflected in language models trained on this data.
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Initial data created by: Labusch, Kai; Zellhöfer, David
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
@dataset{labusch_kai_2019_3257041, author = {Labusch, Kai and Zellhöfer, David}, title = {{OCR fulltexts of the Digital Collections of the Berlin State Library (DC-SBB)}}, month = jun, year = 2019, publisher = {Zenodo}, version = {1.0}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3257041}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3257041} }
Thanks to @davanstrien for adding this dataset.