We are pleased to announce the release of our evaluation dataset, a subset of the Huatuo-26M. This dataset contains 6,000 entries that we used for Natural Language Generation (NLG) experimentation in our associated research paper.
We encourage researchers and developers to use this evaluation dataset to gauge the performance of their own models. This is not only a chance to assess the accuracy and relevancy of generated responses but also an opportunity to investigate their model's proficiency in understanding and generating complex medical language.
Note: All the data points have been anonymized to protect patient privacy, and they adhere strictly to data protection and privacy regulations.
@misc{li2023huatuo26m, title={Huatuo-26M, a Large-scale Chinese Medical QA Dataset}, author={Jianquan Li and Xidong Wang and Xiangbo Wu and Zhiyi Zhang and Xiaolong Xu and Jie Fu and Prayag Tiwari and Xiang Wan and Benyou Wang}, year={2023}, eprint={2305.01526}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }