You can download the dataset using HuggingFace:
from datasets import load_dataset ds = load_dataset("DISCOX/DISCO-200K-high-quality")
The dataset contains 200,000 high-quality samples from the DISCO-10M dataset found here .
High-quality refers to the similarity filtering, all samples in this dataset have a similarity between search query and video title greater than 0.8, and a similarity between Spotify preview and YouTube video greater than 0.7.
The dataset contains the following features:
{ 'video_url_youtube', 'video_title_youtube', 'track_name_spotify', 'video_duration_youtube_sec', 'preview_url_spotify', 'video_view_count_youtube', 'video_thumbnail_url_youtube', 'search_query_youtube', 'video_description_youtube', 'track_id_spotify', 'album_id_spotify', 'artist_id_spotify', 'track_duration_spotify_ms', 'primary_artist_name_spotify', 'track_release_date_spotify', 'explicit_content_spotify', 'similarity_duration', 'similarity_query_video_title', 'similarity_query_description', 'similarity_audio', 'audio_embedding_spotify', 'audio_embedding_youtube', }
More details about the dataset can be found here .