import math
from keras import backend as K
# Define our custom metric
def PSNR(y_true, y_pred):
max_pixel = 1.0
return 10.0 * math.log10((max_pixel ** 2) / (K.mean(K.square(y_pred - y_true))))
# Define our custom loss function
def charbonnier(y_true, y_pred):
epsilon = 1e-3
error = y_true - y_pred
p = K.sqrt(K.square(error) + K.square(epsilon))
return K.mean(p)
# Compile our model
adam = Adam(lr=0.0001)
model.compile(loss=[charbonnier], metrics=[PSNR], optimizer=adam)
import tensorflow as tf
def tf_int_round(num):
return tf.cast(tf.round(num), dtype=tf.int32)
class resize_layer(layers.Layer):
# Initialize variables
def __init__(self, scale, **kwargs):
self.scale = scale
super(resize_layer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def build(self, input_shape):
# Defining how we will call our function
def call(self, x, method="bicubic"):
height = tf_int_round(tf.cast(tf.shape(x)[1],dtype=tf.float32) * self.scale)
width = tf_int_round(tf.cast(tf.shape(x)[2],dtype=tf.float32) * self.scale)
if method == "bilinear":
return tf.image.resize_bilinear(x, size=(height, width))
elif method == "bicubic":
return tf.image.resize_bicubic(x, size=(height, width))
elif method == "nearest":
return tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor(x, size=(height, width))
# Defining the computation of the output shape
def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
height = tf_int_round(tf.cast(tf.shape(x)[1],dtype=tf.float32) * self.scale)
width = tf_int_round(tf.cast(tf.shape(x)[2],dtype=tf.float32) * self.scale)
return (self.input_shape[0], height, width, input_shape[3])
# Using our new custom layer with the Functional API
image_2 = resize_layer(scale=2)(image, method="bilinear")
from keras.applications.nasnet import Xception, preprocess_input
from keras.models import Sequential, Model
from keras.layers.core import Lambda
from keras.backend import tf as ktf
# Initialize a Xception model
Xception_model = Xception(include_top=True, weights='imagenet', input_tensor=None, input_shape=None)
# Any required pre-processing should be baked into the model
input_tensor = Input(shape=(None, None, 3))
x = Lambda(lambda image: ktf.image.resize_images(image, (299, 299)))(input_tensor)
x = Lambda(lambda image: preprocess_input(image))(x)
output_tensor = Xception_model(x)
final_Xception_model = Model(input_tensor, output_tensor)
相反,我们实际上可以使用functional API的一个小技巧,将重复代码块定义为函数。例如,ResNet具有许多具有相同基本组件(批标准化,激活函数和卷积)的重复的残差块。因此,我们可以简单地将这些操作定义为函数中的一个块,从而极大地简化代码。查看下面的代码,它实现了ResNet和DenseNet块,并向你展示了如何使用它们。
def preact_conv(inputs, k=3, filters=64):
outputs = BatchNormalization()(inputs)
outputs = Activation('relu')(outputs)
outputs = Conv2D(filters, kernel_size=(k, k), padding='same',
return outputs
def ResidualBlock(inputs, kernal_size=3, filters=64):
outputs = preact_conv(inputs, k=kernal_size, n_filters=filters)
outputs = preact_conv(outputs, k=kernal_size, n_filters=filters)
outputs = add([outputs, inputs])
return outputs
def DenseBlock(stack, n_layers, growth_rate):
new_features = []
for i in range(n_layers):
layer = preact_conv(stack, filters=growth_rate)
# stack new layer
stack = concatenate([stack, layer], axis=-1)
new_features = concatenate(new_features, axis=-1)
return new_features
# Applying a stack of 5 Residual Blocks for a ResNet, just 5 lines of code
# If we wrote this out layer by layer, this would probably take 4-5x the number of lines
x = ResidualBlock(x)
x = ResidualBlock(x)
x = ResidualBlock(x)
x = ResidualBlock(x)
x = ResidualBlock(x)
# Applying a stack of 5 Dense Blocks for a DenseNet, just 5 lines of code
# DenseNets are even more complex to implements than ResNets, so if we wrote
# this out layer by layer, this would probably take 5-10x the number of lines
x = DenseBlock(x, n_layers=4, growth_rate=12)
x = DenseBlock(x, n_layers=6, growth_rate=12)
x = DenseBlock(x, n_layers=8, growth_rate=12)
x = DenseBlock(x, n_layers=10, growth_rate=12)
x = DenseBlock(x, n_layers=12, growth_rate=12)