CodeBERTa is a RoBERTa-like model trained on the CodeSearchNet dataset from GitHub.
Supported languages:
"go" "java" "javascript" "php" "python" "ruby"
The tokenizer is a Byte-level BPE tokenizer trained on the corpus using Hugging Face tokenizers .
Because it is trained on a corpus of code (vs. natural language), it encodes the corpus efficiently (the sequences are between 33% to 50% shorter, compared to the same corpus tokenized by gpt2/roberta).
The (small) model is a 6-layer, 84M parameters, RoBERTa-like Transformer model – that’s the same number of layers & heads as DistilBERT – initialized from the default initialization settings and trained from scratch on the full corpus (~2M functions) for 5 epochs.
PHP_CODE = """ public static <mask> set(string $key, $value) { if (!in_array($key, self::$allowedKeys)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid key given'); } self::$storedValues[$key] = $value; } """.lstrip()
from transformers import pipeline fill_mask = pipeline( "fill-mask", model="huggingface/CodeBERTa-small-v1", tokenizer="huggingface/CodeBERTa-small-v1" ) fill_mask(PHP_CODE) ## Top 5 predictions: # ' function' # prob 0.9999827146530151 'function' # ' void' # ' def' # ' final' #
PYTHON_CODE = """ def pipeline( task: str, model: Optional = None, framework: Optional[<mask>] = None, **kwargs ) -> Pipeline: pass """.lstrip()
'framework', 'Framework', ' framework', 'None', 'str'
This program can auto-complete itself! ?
fill_mask("My name is <mask>.") # {'sequence': '<s> My name is undefined.</s>', 'score': 0.2548016905784607, 'token': 3353} # {'sequence': '<s> My name is required.</s>', 'score': 0.07290805131196976, 'token': 2371} # {'sequence': '<s> My name is null.</s>', 'score': 0.06323737651109695, 'token': 469} # {'sequence': '<s> My name is name.</s>', 'score': 0.021919190883636475, 'token': 652} # {'sequence': '<s> My name is disabled.</s>', 'score': 0.019681859761476517, 'token': 7434}
This (kind of) works because code contains comments (which contain natural language).
Of course, the most frequent name for a Computer scientist must be undefined ?.
See the model card for huggingface/CodeBERTa-language-id ?.
@article{husain_codesearchnet_2019, title = {{CodeSearchNet} {Challenge}: {Evaluating} the {State} of {Semantic} {Code} {Search}}, shorttitle = {{CodeSearchNet} {Challenge}}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1909.09436}, urldate = {2020-03-12}, journal = {arXiv:1909.09436 [cs, stat]}, author = {Husain, Hamel and Wu, Ho-Hsiang and Gazit, Tiferet and Allamanis, Miltiadis and Brockschmidt, Marc}, month = sep, year = {2019}, note = {arXiv: 1909.09436}, }