SlovakBERT pretrained model on Slovak language using a masked language modeling (MLM) objective. This model is case-sensitive: it makes a difference between slovensko and Slovensko.
You can use the raw model for masked language modeling, but it's mostly intended to be fine-tuned on a downstream task. IMPORTANT : The model was not trained on the “ and ” (direct quote) character -> so before tokenizing the text, it is advised to replace all “ and ” (direct quote marks) with a single "(double quote marks).
You can use this model directly with a pipeline for masked language modeling:
from transformers import pipeline unmasker = pipeline('fill-mask', model='gerulata/slovakbert') unmasker("Deti sa <mask> na ihrisku.") [{'sequence': 'Deti sa hrali na ihrisku.', 'score': 0.6355380415916443, 'token': 5949, 'token_str': ' hrali'}, {'sequence': 'Deti sa hrajú na ihrisku.', 'score': 0.14731724560260773, 'token': 9081, 'token_str': ' hrajú'}, {'sequence': 'Deti sa zahrali na ihrisku.', 'score': 0.05016357824206352, 'token': 32553, 'token_str': ' zahrali'}, {'sequence': 'Deti sa stretli na ihrisku.', 'score': 0.041727423667907715, 'token': 5964, 'token_str': ' stretli'}, {'sequence': 'Deti sa učia na ihrisku.', 'score': 0.01886524073779583, 'token': 18099, 'token_str': ' učia'}]
Here is how to use this model to get the features of a given text in PyTorch:
from transformers import RobertaTokenizer, RobertaModel tokenizer = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained('gerulata/slovakbert') model = RobertaModel.from_pretrained('gerulata/slovakbert') text = "Text ktorý sa má embedovať." encoded_input = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt') output = model(**encoded_input)
and in TensorFlow:
from transformers import RobertaTokenizer, TFRobertaModel tokenizer = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained('gerulata/slovakbert') model = TFRobertaModel.from_pretrained('gerulata/slovakbert') text = "Text ktorý sa má embedovať." encoded_input = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='tf') output = model(encoded_input)
Or extract information from the model like this:
from transformers import pipeline unmasker = pipeline('fill-mask', model='gerulata/slovakbert') unmasker("Slovenské národne povstanie sa uskutočnilo v roku <mask>.") [{'sequence': 'Slovenske narodne povstanie sa uskutočnilo v roku 1944.', 'score': 0.7383289933204651, 'token': 16621, 'token_str': ' 1944'},...]
The SlovakBERT model was pretrained on these datasets:
The text was then processed with the following steps:
We segmented the resulting corpus into sentences and removed duplicates to get 181.6M unique sentences. In total, the final corpus has 19.35GB of text.
The model was trained in fairseq on 4 x Nvidia A100 GPUs for 300K steps with a batch size of 512 and a sequence length of 512. The optimizer used is Adam with a learning rate of 5e-4, β 1 = 0.9 \beta_{1} = 0.9 β 1 = 0 . 9 , β 2 = 0.98 \beta_{2} = 0.98 β 2 = 0 . 9 8 and ϵ = 1 e − 6 \epsilon = 1e-6 ϵ = 1 e − 6 , a weight decay of 0.01, dropout rate 0.1, learning rate warmup for 10k steps and linear decay of the learning rate after. We used 16-bit float precision.
Gerulata Technologies is a tech company on a mission to provide tools for fighting disinformation and hostile propaganda.
At Gerulata, we focus on providing state-of-the-art AI-powered tools that empower human analysts and provide them with the ability to make informed decisions.
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If you find our resource or paper is useful, please consider including the following citation in your paper.
@misc{pikuliak2021slovakbert, title={SlovakBERT: Slovak Masked Language Model}, author={Matúš Pikuliak and Štefan Grivalský and Martin Konôpka and Miroslav Blšták and Martin Tamajka and Viktor Bachratý and Marián Šimko and Pavol Balážik and Michal Trnka and Filip Uhlárik}, year={2021}, eprint={2109.15254}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }