


Dataset Card for CIFAR-100-Enriched (Enhanced by Renumics)

Dataset Summary

? Data-centric AI principles have become increasingly important for real-world use cases. At Renumics we believe that classical benchmark datasets and competitions should be extended to reflect this development.

? This is why we are publishing benchmark datasets with application-specific enrichments (e.g. embeddings, baseline results, uncertainties, label error scores). We hope this helps the ML community in the following ways:

  • Enable new researchers to quickly develop a profound understanding of the dataset.
  • Popularize data-centric AI principles and tooling in the ML community.
  • Encourage the sharing of meaningful qualitative insights in addition to traditional quantitative metrics.
  • ? This dataset is an enriched version of the CIFAR-100 Dataset .

    Explore the Dataset

    The enrichments allow you to quickly gain insights into the dataset. The open source data curation tool Renumics Spotlight enables that with just a few lines of code:

    Install datasets and Spotlight via pip :

    !pip install renumics-spotlight datasets

    Load the dataset from huggingface in your notebook:

    import datasets
    dataset = datasets.load_dataset("renumics/cifar100-enriched", split="train")

    Start exploring with a simple view that leverages embeddings to identify relevant data segments:

    from renumics import spotlight
    df = dataset.to_pandas()
    df_show = df.drop(columns=['embedding', 'probabilities'])
    spotlight.show(df_show, port=8000, dtype={"image": spotlight.Image, "embedding_reduced": spotlight.Embedding})

    You can use the UI to interactively configure the view on the data. Depending on the concrete tasks (e.g. model comparison, debugging, outlier detection) you might want to leverage different enrichments and metadata.

    CIFAR-100 Dataset

    The CIFAR-100 dataset consists of 60000 32x32 colour images in 100 classes, with 600 images per class. There are 50000 training images and 10000 test images. The 100 classes in the CIFAR-100 are grouped into 20 superclasses. Each image comes with a "fine" label (the class to which it belongs) and a "coarse" label (the superclass to which it belongs). The classes are completely mutually exclusive. We have enriched the dataset by adding image embeddings generated with a Vision Transformer . Here is the list of classes in the CIFAR-100:

    Superclass Classes
    aquatic mammals beaver, dolphin, otter, seal, whale
    fish aquarium fish, flatfish, ray, shark, trout
    flowers orchids, poppies, roses, sunflowers, tulips
    food containers bottles, bowls, cans, cups, plates
    fruit and vegetables apples, mushrooms, oranges, pears, sweet peppers
    household electrical devices clock, computer keyboard, lamp, telephone, television
    household furniture bed, chair, couch, table, wardrobe
    insects bee, beetle, butterfly, caterpillar, cockroach
    large carnivores bear, leopard, lion, tiger, wolf
    large man-made outdoor things bridge, castle, house, road, skyscraper
    large natural outdoor scenes cloud, forest, mountain, plain, sea
    large omnivores and herbivores camel, cattle, chimpanzee, elephant, kangaroo
    medium-sized mammals fox, porcupine, possum, raccoon, skunk
    non-insect invertebrates crab, lobster, snail, spider, worm
    people baby, boy, girl, man, woman
    reptiles crocodile, dinosaur, lizard, snake, turtle
    small mammals hamster, mouse, rabbit, shrew, squirrel
    trees maple, oak, palm, pine, willow
    vehicles 1 bicycle, bus, motorcycle, pickup truck, train
    vehicles 2 lawn-mower, rocket, streetcar, tank, tractor

    Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

    • image-classification : The goal of this task is to classify a given image into one of 100 classes. The leaderboard is available here .


    English class labels.

    Dataset Structure

    Data Instances

    A sample from the training set is provided below:

      'image': '/huggingface/datasets/downloads/extracted/f57c1a3fbca36f348d4549e820debf6cc2fe24f5f6b4ec1b0d1308a80f4d7ade/0/0.png',
      'full_image': <PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=RGB size=32x32 at 0x7F15737C9C50>,
      'fine_label': 19,
      'coarse_label': 11,
      'fine_label_str': 'cattle',
      'coarse_label_str': 'large_omnivores_and_herbivores',
      'fine_label_prediction': 19,
      'fine_label_prediction_str': 'cattle',
      'fine_label_prediction_error': 0,
      'split': 'train',
      'embedding': [-1.2482988834381104,
        0.7280710339546204, ...,
      'probabilities': [4.505949982558377e-05,
        7.286163599928841e-05, ...,
      'embedding_reduced': [1.9439491033554077, -5.35720682144165]

    Data Fields

    Feature Data Type
    image Value(dtype='string', id=None)
    full_image Image(decode=True, id=None)
    fine_label ClassLabel(names=[...], id=None)
    coarse_label ClassLabel(names=[...], id=None)
    fine_label_str Value(dtype='string', id=None)
    coarse_label_str Value(dtype='string', id=None)
    fine_label_prediction ClassLabel(names=[...], id=None)
    fine_label_prediction_str Value(dtype='string', id=None)
    fine_label_prediction_error Value(dtype='int32', id=None)
    split Value(dtype='string', id=None)
    embedding Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='float32', id=None), length=768, id=None)
    probabilities Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='float32', id=None), length=100, id=None)
    embedding_reduced Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='float32', id=None), length=2, id=None)

    Data Splits

    Dataset Split Number of Images in Split Samples per Class (fine)
    Train 50000 500
    Test 10000 100

    Dataset Creation

    Curation Rationale

    The CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 are labeled subsets of the 80 million tiny images dataset. They were collected by Alex Krizhevsky, Vinod Nair, and Geoffrey Hinton.

    Source Data

    Initial Data Collection and Normalization

    [More Information Needed]

    Who are the source language producers?

    [More Information Needed]


    Annotation process

    [More Information Needed]

    Who are the annotators?

    [More Information Needed]

    Personal and Sensitive Information

    [More Information Needed]

    Considerations for Using the Data

    Social Impact of Dataset

    [More Information Needed]

    Discussion of Biases

    [More Information Needed]

    Other Known Limitations

    [More Information Needed]

    Additional Information

    Dataset Curators

    [More Information Needed]

    Licensing Information

    [More Information Needed]

    Citation Information

    If you use this dataset, please cite the following paper:

      added-at = {2021-01-21T03:01:11.000+0100},
      author = {Krizhevsky, Alex},
      biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2fe5248afe57647d9c85c50a98a12145c/s364315},
      interhash = {cc2d42f2b7ef6a4e76e47d1a50c8cd86},
      intrahash = {fe5248afe57647d9c85c50a98a12145c},
      keywords = {},
      pages = {32--33},
      timestamp = {2021-01-21T03:01:11.000+0100},
      title = {Learning Multiple Layers of Features from Tiny Images},
      url = {https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/learning-features-2009-TR.pdf},
      year = 2009


    Alex Krizhevsky, Vinod Nair, Geoffrey Hinton, and Renumics GmbH.